Fire trucks in front of station
For Emergency, Call 911
Fire and Rescue, Emergency Management, Forestry
Our Mission Statement: "To provide the best service possible to the Town of Sullivan through continuous improvement in training, certifications and equipment”.
The members of Sullivan Fire & Rescue (SFR) are all unpaid volunteers who choose to serve our community with pride, compassion and courage. This is not a job taken lightly. Continuous training is a critical requirement and though we are volunteers, we must maintain the same level of training and certifications as does a paid or full time department. The only difference is, we donate our time and travel to fulfill these requirements. Training requirements include such things as Fire Fighter 1 & 2, SCBA, Haz-Mat, EMR & EMT to name a few. Training takes place Wednesday evenings at the Fire Station as well as at other places for specialty training. As part of SFR membership, our members are required to complete CPR/AED, Blood Born Pathogen and HIPPA confidentially training annually. For the State of NH we also conduct annual Forestry Training which is required for all Wardens as well as members who participate in Forestry activities.
All equipment is tested and certified to NFPA Standards. Some of this annual testing includes Apparatus Pump Testing, SCBA Flow Testing, SCBA Mask Fit Testing, Compressor and Cascade Testing as well as Air Quality Testing of our Breathing Air Systems. Without these certifications and the ongoing training, we would be unable to purchase home insurance.
Fire Permit Regulations
Fire permits are required for all outside burning except gas grills or charcoal fires up and off the ground. Only brush to 5" diameter or untreated wood may be burned. Contact the Warden or Deputy Wardens for Fire Permits and the Rules and Regulations.
The Forestry Rules and Laws are from the State of NH not the Town of Sullivan. The Forest Fire Warden does have the authority to restrict burning due to such things as weather conditions, access to locations or other unsafe conditions. When SFR members respond to Forestry calls or training, we are working for the State of NH and not the Town.
The Forestry Rules and Laws are from the State of NH not the Town of Sullivan. The Forest Fire Warden does have the authority to restrict burning due to such things as weather conditions, access to locations or other unsafe conditions. When SFR members respond to Forestry calls or training, we are working for the State of NH and not the Town.
Our Motto: "We put out fires and break things". As with most things in the fire service, there is always a back story. Our motto is no different. We are always looking for new members so stop by the station on Wednesday nights and see if you might be interested in becoming a member. We'll fill you in on the story behind our motto.