What are town hall office hours?
Selectmen's Office, Tax Collector and Town Clerk: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, from 10:00AM to 2:00PM;
Town Clerk (evening hours): 2nd and last Thursday of every month from 6PM-8PM.
Phone: 603-847-3316
Fax: 603-847-9154
452 Centre St
PO Box 110
Sullivan NH 03445
What is the trash and recycling pick up schedule?
Sullivan has no town trash pickup or recycling. We use the Keene Recycling Center. They charge $2.00/33 gal bag. You may of course contract with any of the numerous collection agencies that cover Sullivan.
At what point is a snow emergency declared?
Snow emergencies are at your discretion or follow the state emergency announcements.
Do I need a permit for a recreational fire?
Yes. Contact the fire department to get your permit. 603-847-9020
What is the Sullivan tax rate?
The 2024 Sullivan Tax rate is $ 32.80 per/1000 and is comprised of Municipal ($8.82/m), School ($ 18.96/m), State Education ($ 1.78/m), and County ($ 3.24/m) tax rates.
Does Sullivan have a Building or Electrical Inspector?
We do not have either of those positions. However, we utilize the State requirements and if an issue arises, we can call upon a state inspector.
How do I contact the town hall or selectmen or ...?
Town of Sullivan
Phone: 603-847-3316
Fax: 603-847-9154
452 Centre St
PO Box 110
Sullivan NH 03445
Fire Department
Emergency - 911
Department - 603-847-9020
Highway Department
Garage - 603-847-3366
How do I find my assessment?
How do I find tax maps?
The tax maps are located in the Assessors section.
To whom do I send questions?
Sullivan Town Hall
Phone: 603 847 3316
Fax: 603 847 9154
e-Mail: townofsullivan@myfairpoint.net
What is a driveway permit?
What is the equalization ratio?
When do I need a building permit?